Monthly partnerships

Thank you for your interest in our Partnership Services.

If you're looking to take your social media and YouTube and all online content to the next level so you can reach more people and change more lives, a partnership with MDCreative is for you!

We love coming alongside churches, ministries and leaders to help them get the most out of their social media, YouTube and streaming services.

Here are some document results our partners have seen recently:

  • A church of 600 enjoyed a 427% increase in Instagram reach in just 35 days

  • Over 6 months, a 71-year-old world-renowned pastor got a 982.6% increase in YouTube watch time, and a 1446% increase in Instagram engagement

  • An international ministry saw a 982.6% increase in YouTube watch time over a 12 month partnership

  • One of the biggest churches in Australia received a 349.8% increase in website traffic in 10 months

  • A U.S. multisite church saw a 74.7% increase in all social media engagement in 3 months

Our Monthly Partnership Services include:

  • Comprehensive YouTube and social media appraisal of all your channels

  • YouTube and website SEO marketing strategy

  • Customized platform-specific social media tactics

  • An ongoing content creation strategy in-line with your organization's mission

  • Developing content distribution strategies and systems to maximize your online communication efforts

  • Monthly strategy and coaching calls with your team

  • Developing and outlining opportunities for increased online connection points

  • Slack communication access

  • Tools, resources, and worksheets

If that sounds good, let’s get started!

NOTE: We currently have only 03 partnership spot(s) available.

Partnership FAQs

Will you be posting for our organization?

No. Since you know your audience and community better than us, we leave the content creation and posting to you. But, we work with your team to provide the blueprints and the systems they need to implement the custom channel-specific strategies we develop. Our partners have seen great results from the implementing the strategies we create.

What do you mean by “custom strategy”?

We take into account your organization’s mission and goals, and work WITH your team to develop a strategy that is contextualized for your organization. We understand that every church and ministry has a specific mission and model, as well as a target audience they are trying to reach … that’s why there is nothing cookie-cutter over here!

How much does a partnership cost"?

Monthly Partnership Services require a 6 month minimum commitment at a starting price of $2100 per month.

What type of results can we expect?

We all know that social media platforms change their algorithms and rules often. Because of this, it’s hard to formalize and clear expectation of results, which is why we work with your team to track and monitor posts, and provide regular reports to the group so we can adjust the strategy in realtime. This is also why we recommend a 6-12 month partnership. Typically however, most of our clients have double their YouTube watch time and subscriber count month over month, increased followers on multiple platforms, and doubled their platform reach.

Can my organization do only one month?

No. All partnership are 6-month minimum because anything less is unlikely to produce verifiable results. Social media is a marathon, not a race.